Our Training Philosophy… 


Dogs are pack animals and immediately sense weakness in the form of inexperience or uncertainty. Having a fanny pack with treats gets you nowhere when a dog is not food motivated OR the distraction is high enough to overcome the desire for the treat…or the dog has gotten used to the same old treats and wants a different treat.

We have even seen treat trainers carrying liver sausage just to get a dogs attention!

Have you ever seen a treat trainer attempt to train an aggressive dog? Not only is that a rare sight but it rarely works as well! Most aggressive dogs become more aggressive when you attempt to feed them or manipulate them with food. Many treat trainers have been severely injured attempting to train an aggressive dog using such methods!

Bottom line is treat training may make things slightly easier in the beginning of training but ALWAYS fails. It’s unhealthy for the dog as well.

NO REMOTE TRAINERS (aka shock collars and e-collars)!

Having a remote collar is not only inhumane but also turns the dog into a zombie and rips away their temperament due to fear of electrical shock. Fear training a dog is NEVER a good idea and only puts a band aid on the problem. How many dogs escape the electric fence the moment you take the e-collar off? How many aggressive dogs bite again once the e-collar is off? Similar to treat training but using pain instead of food to motivate the dog…it doesn’t work!


Our form of training is simple and highly effective. We teach YOU to be the pack leader and the dog gives you true obedience because it views you as such. The dog’s temperament is not changed at all, and its true character is used to please and obey the pack leader. We teach you to speak the dogs language because that is the only language they truly understand.

No fanny pack to carry around, no treats to spend money on, no $1,000 remote collar to buy, just you and your dog!

Our Certification Program…

We are the only dog trainer certification program that REQUIRES you handle live dogs. We are the only dog training certification program that bases it’s level of certification on the number of dogs that you have handled or trained.

Our certified dog trainers (that you will train under) all run extremely successful dog training companies. Other certification programs are run by people who have never owned a dog training company, and some have never even owned dogs!

In other words, it’s your experience that matters, not how good you are at taking an online test.

This is why when you certify with IDTA, you can honestly call yourself a certified dog trainer.

To learn more about our certification program, please click here.